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NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti

49,76047% of 104,937

The GeForce RTX 3070 Ti has 47% of the performance compared to the leader for the 3DMark 11 Performance GPU benchmark: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090.

Performance per dollar
83.0751% of 161.45

The GeForce RTX 3070 Ti has 51% of the performance per dollar compared to the leader for the 3DMark 11 Performance GPU benchmark: AMD Radeon RX 7600.

Specs at a glance
Memory8 GB GDDR6X
Slots2 slots
TDP290 W
Release DateQ2 2021
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NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti GPU

The GeForce RTX 3070 Ti is a desktop graphics card by NVIDIA. It launched in Q2 2021 with a suggested retail price of $599. Its GA104 chip that powers the GPU uses the Ampere architecture and is fabricated on the 8 nm process.

This GPU is paired with 8 GB of GDDR6X VRAM. Its 1,188 MHz memory clock and 256 bit interface gives it a bandwidth of 608.3 Gb/s. This impacts how much data it can store, and how fast it transfers the data to and from memory.

The RTX 3070 Ti is a dual slot graphics card, taking up 2 PCIe slots. It supports HDMI 2.1, DisplayPort 1.4a display ports. This desktop card has a TDP of 290 W. NVIDIA recommends using a power supply of at least 600 W with this card. A power supply lower than this might result in system crashes and potentially damage your hardware.

The GeForce RTX 3070 Ti has the 27th highest 3DMark 11 Performance GPU score among the 540 benchmarked GPUs in our database. It achieves 47.42% of the performance of the best benchmarked GPU, the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090. Its 49,760 score and $599 launch price (MSRP) gives it a performance per dollar of 83.07. This is the 34th best in value for the 3DMark 11 Performance GPU benchmark.

General Info

General overview of the GPU, including details like its manufacturer, release date, launch price, and current production status.

Market SegmentDesktop
Release DateQ2 2021
Launch Price (MSRP)$599
Production StatusActive
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Gaming Performance


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FPS Benchmarks

Gaming performance benchmarks based its average frame rate (FPS) in popular games. These provide a strong indicator of a GPU's ability to handle demanding titles and help assess its value for the money.

FPS data for Ready or Not
Ready or Not
Frames Per SecondHigher is better
Cost Per FrameLower is better
Low - 1080p297 FPS$2.02 CPF
Medium - 1080p293 FPS$2.04 CPF
High - 1080p263 FPS$2.28 CPF
Ultra - 1080p201 FPS$2.98 CPF
QHD - 1440p125 FPS$4.8 CPF
4K UHD - 2160p59 FPS$10.2 CPF
FPS Source: Notebookcheck

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Benchmark Performance

49,76047% of 104,937

The GeForce RTX 3070 Ti has 47% of the performance compared to the leader for the 3DMark 11 Performance GPU benchmark: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090.

The GeForce RTX 3070 Ti is ranked 27th with a score of 49,760.

Performance per dollar
83.0751% of 161.45

The GeForce RTX 3070 Ti has 51% of the performance per dollar compared to the leader for the 3DMark 11 Performance GPU benchmark: AMD Radeon RX 7600.

The GeForce RTX 3070 Ti is ranked 34th with a performance per dollar of 83.07.

Compare Performance

Compare the average benchmark score with similar GPUs. Powerful GPUs tend to have higher scores.

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Compare the performance per dollar with similar GPUs. A higher score implies a better value for your money.

Benchmark Scores

Performance metrics across industry-standard GPU benchmark tests. These scores provide a valuable insight into overall performance. Powerful GPUs tend to have higher scores.

  • Popular
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Benchmarks Source: Notebookcheck

Technical Specs


Processor Details

General information about the graphics processing unit like its architecture, manufacturing process size, and transistor count. Newer GPU architectures generally bring efficiency improvements and may introduce technologies that enhance graphical capabilities.

Process Size8 nm
Transistors17,400 million

Board Compatibility

Compatibility information like its slot size, bus interface, power consumption, and display support. These specs are useful for verifying compatibility with your motherboard, power supply, and monitor.

Slots2 slots
Bus InterfacePCIe 4.0 x16
Thermal Design Power (TDP)290 W
Suggested PSU600 W
Power Connectors1x 12-pin
OutputsHDMI 2.1, DisplayPort 1.4a

Memory Details

Memory specifications like its capacity, bandwidth, and clock speeds. GPU memory stores graphics data like frames, textures, and shadows which helps display rendered images. These specs are crucial for graphics-intense applications like gaming and 3D modeling.

Memory Size8 GB
Memory TypeGDDR6X
Memory Bandwidth608.3 Gb/s
Memory Clock1,188 MHz
Memory Interface256 bit
L1 Cache128 KB
L2 Cache4 MB

Cores & Clock Speeds

Processing power information like its cores and clock speed. These specs impact how fast they can process graphics. Each type of core or component serves a specific computational purpose.

CUDA Cores6,144
Stream Multiprocessors (SM)48
Texture Mapping Units (TMU)192
Render Output Units (ROP)96
Tensor Cores192
Ray Tracing Cores48
Core Clock Speed1,575 MHz
Core Clock Speed (Boost)1,770 MHz

Theoretical Performance

Theoretical performance numbers derived from the raw specifications of the different components like core count and clock speeds. While these provide a glimpse into peak processing power, they do not represent real-world performance.

Pixel Fill Rate169.9 GPixel/s
Texture Fill Rate339.8 GTexel/s
FP32 Performance21.75 TFLOPS
FP64 Performance339.8 GFLOPS

API Support

Graphics API versions supported by this graphics card. APIs evolve over time, introducing new features and functionalities. Older GPUs may not support recent versions.

DirectX12 Ultimate (12_2)
Shader Model6.7

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* Performance rating, performance per dollar, and rankings are based on the 3DMark 11 Performance GPU benchmark and MSRP.